Use "palestinian police|palestinian police" in a sentence

1. The Palestinian police have been called to restore peace and order.

2. The first Palestinian police force of 9,000 was deployed in Jericho in 1994, and later in Gaza.

3. Police separated the two sides, but not before over # cars were reportedly damaged and Palestinian shops set afire

4. Police separated the two sides, but not before over 100 cars were reportedly damaged and Palestinian shops set afire.

5. Palestinian representatives accentuated their strong commitment to the swift achievement of Palestinian national unity.

6. The Arab Palestinian economy collapsed and 250,000 Palestinian Arabs fled or were expelled.

7. Nationality: (a) Algerian, (b) Palestinian.

8. The Governorates of the Palestinian National Authority are the administrative divisions of the Palestinian Territories.

9. Palestinian official Erekat undergoes Bronchostomy

10. 2005: Abbas triumphs in Palestinian elections.

11. The PLO established a Palestinian National Council and a government in exile, both representing the Palestinian people worldwide.

12. Palestinian leaders threatened to Boycott the talks

13. The killer , soon identified as Ashraf Hanaisha,24 , turned out to be a Palestinian affiliated with Palestinian Islamic Jihad .

14. The disembowelment of two Israeli soldiers at Ramallah, in a Palestinian police station transformed into a human abattoir, leaves no mark on the immaculate conception of this draft resolution

15. In Gaza Strip, Palestinian Islamic Jihad Agitates for violence

16. By 1974 she was appointed to the Palestinian Central Council, and then she re-established General Union of Palestinian Women in Lebanon.

17. The Palestinian refugee problem and the debate around the right of their return are also major issues of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.

18. Our contribution to Palestinian cause is three fold.

19. Israel opposes a unilateral Palestinian move towards statehood.

20. There is only one route to Palestinian statehood.

21. Israeli Settlers and Soldiers Attack Palestinian Villagers in Burin

22. Meanwhile, Israeli - Palestinian clashes in the West Bank continued.

23. There is no Palestinian refugee population in the village.

24. Cross-stitch is widely used in traditional Palestinian dressmaking.

25. Hamas put the targeting of the Palestinian National Authority.

26. On 6 October 2012, at around 12.30 p.m., 32-year-old Hani Mohammad Abul Hawa witnessed an altercation between Palestinian teenagers and Border Police in the neighbourhood of Mount of Olives.

27. Palestinian Islamic Jihad later claimed responsibility for the incident.

28. Jastrow glanced doubtfully from the Palestinian to his niece.

29. The event marked a watershed for Palestinian statehood efforts.

30. "Why This Palestinian Clown is Being Jailed Without Trial".

31. Settlement activities have also exacerbated the humanitarian problems of the Palestinian people with increasing violence and aggravation of tension between the settlers and the Palestinian population.

32. This is a 21- year- old Palestinian woman undergoing hymenoplasty.

33. A hand covered in Palestinian blood has raised the Israeli flag over the headquarters of the Palestinian leader, thereby challenging not only the will of the Palestinian people but that of the international community as a whole and the norms of international law.

34. On 19 October, a group of Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades members, led by Zakaria Zubeidi, seized buildings belonging to the Palestinian Finance ministry and Palestinian parliament in Jenin.

35. This is a 21-year-old Palestinian woman undergoing hymenoplasty.

36. Further examples of the restrictions imposed on Palestinian economic activities abounded

37. Palestinian economy (West Bank and Gaza Strip)- Main aggregate economic indicators

38. The objective until then should be to keep the Palestinian Authority afloat.

39. The Palestinian leadership refuses to acknowledge Israel’s character as a Jewish State.

40. However, this began a push for change in the Palestinian leadership.

41. Alternate titles for a Chief of police include police commissioner, colonel, police superintendent, police president or police director

42. He oversaw the withdrawal of Palestinian guerillas from Beirut in 1982.

43. PLO ( Palestinian Liberation Organization ) delegation is to visit China next month.

44. Mossad engaged in a campaign of letter bombs against Palestinian officials across Europe.

45. Wales is served by four regional police forces, Dyfed-Powys Police, Gwent Police, North Wales Police and South Wales Police.

46. Husain supports a two-state solution to end the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

47. Numerous flying checkpoints were erected throughout all districts of the Palestinian territory

48. Lebanon holds some 400,000 Palestinian refugees, and they suffer from discriminatory laws.

49. We really don't want to be the overlords of the Palestinian population.

50. The Palestinian militant group of Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility of the attack.

51. Coexistences is a Swiss civil society initiative supporting the Israeli-Palestinian grassroots encou

52. This is a visit to Brazil is the Palestinian National Authority President Mahmoud Abbas met yesterday in the Palestinian diaspora and the local Arab ambassador to Brazil, said this position.

53. The United Nations cannot afford to ignore the suffering of the Palestinian people.

54. Israel called on the Palestinian leadership to abandon unilateralism and engage in negotiations.

55. Visa policy of Palestine refers to specific entry conditions into the Palestinian territories.

56. Police Blotters Police blotter: Hubbard Township

57. Palestinian economy (West Bank and Gaza Strip) - Main aggregate economic indicators 1993-2000

58. The Palestinian case for full UN recognition of its statehood is rather simple.

59. It restricts Palestinian access to East Jerusalem, key social services and agricultural land.

60. Israel is our ally country but we have never let down the Palestinian cause.

61. In 1976 she was elected president of the Union of Palestinian students in France.

62. Israel's hawkish Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also opposes the creation of a Palestinian state.

63. Police Blotter Police Blotter: March 18, 2021

64. Source for information on Azyme Unleavened Bread (Matzah): Dictionary of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict dictionary.

65. Settlements are generally located among the more vulnerable sections of Palestinian society, predominantly agrarian villages.

66. Since 1948, Syria has hosted many Palestinian refugees; actually the figure is half a million.

67. It currently serves as the de facto administrative capital of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA).

68. Bethlehem (Arabic: Bayt Lahm meaning “House of Meat” and Hebrew: Bet Lehem meaning “House of Bread”) is a Palestinian city in Israel's West Bank and a hub of Palestinian cultural and tourism industries

69. Bedouins Without Borders, is an independent Palestinian not-for-profit organization, founded in 2015

70. Bedouins Without Borders, is an independent Palestinian not-for-profit organization, founded in 2015

71. Non-Aligned Movement (on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question

72. Ashtabula city police reports, Ashtabula county police news, Ashtabula county sheriff police reports, Ashtabula county police reports, Ashtabula police reports online, Ashtabula police dept, Ashtabula police report, Ashtabula county police Ichikoh Industries, Stanley and public buildings such mishaps, manage for previous updates, new guidelines, but emotionally disturbing costume.

73. Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) is a Palestinian-led movement for freedom, justice and equality

74. Indeed, many Palestinian political leaders absconded to Beirut or Cairo once violence broke out.

75. Non-Aligned Movement (on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question)

76. During another flight, I sat next to a Palestinian representative to the United Nations.

77. Israel had not accepted the Palestinian offer to extend the ceasefire to the West Bank

78. The Mauritanian people and Government express their full and absolute solidarity with the Palestinian people.

79. Police Blotter New York State Police Department Blotter

80. Police!